What you will learn after reading this Link to heading

  1. start a Apollo GraphQL(NodeJS) server with typescript.
  2. add auth guard to server shared context.

Step by step to create a nodejs(typescript) proeject. Link to heading

mkdir quick-start
cd quick-start
npm init --yes && npm pkg set type="module"
npm install --save-dev typescript @types/node nodemon
npm install @apollo/server graphql dotenv dataloader

touch tsconfig.json

paste the following content to tsconfig.json

  "compilerOptions": {
    "rootDirs": ["src"],
    "outDir": "dist",
    "lib": ["es2020"],
    "target": "es2020",
    "module": "esnext",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "types": ["node"]
touch nodemon.json
// content in nodemon.json
    "watch": [
    "ext": ".ts",
    "ignore": [
    "exec": "npm start"

now all the frameworks thins are done, let’s to add the first graphql code.

Try to add Article and UserDataSource graphql service code Link to heading

mkdir src
touch src/index.ts

add the following content to src/index.ts

import { ApolloServer } from '@apollo/server';
import { startStandaloneServer } from '@apollo/server/standalone';
import { GraphQLError } from 'graphql';
import DataLoader from 'dataloader';

class UserDataSource {

    constructor() {

    demoUsers = [
        { username: 'admin', id: 1, token: 'adpwd123', roles: ['admin', 'editor'] },
        { username: 'alice', id: 2, token: 'apwd123', roles: ['editor'] },
        { username: 'bob', id: 3, token: 'bpwd123', roles: ['reader'] },

    private batchUsers = new DataLoader(async (token: string[]) => {

        const productIdToProductMap = this.demoUsers.reduce((mapping, user) => {
            mapping[user.token] = user;
            return mapping;
        }, {});
        return token.map((token) => productIdToProductMap[token]);

    async getUserFor(token) {
        return this.batchUsers.load(token);

export const typeDefs = `#graphql
  type Article {
    title: String!
    id: Int!
    content: String!
    lastEditedBy: Int!

  type Query {
    listArticles: [Article]!

  type Mutation {
    editArticle(id: Int!, title: String, content: String): Article

export const resolvers = {
    Query: {
        listArticles: async (parent, args, { user, dataSources }, info) => {
            return dataSources.article.listArticles(user);
    Mutation: {
        editArticle: async (parent, args, { user, dataSources }, info) => {

            if (!user) throw new GraphQLError('401 Unauthorized', {
                extensions: {
                    code: 'Unauthorized',

            if (!user.roles.includes('admin') && !user.roles.includes('editor')) {
                throw new GraphQLError('403 Forbidden', {
                    extensions: {
                        code: 'Forbidden',

            return dataSources.article.editArticle({ id: args.id, title: args.title, content: args.content }, user);

Authentication and Authorization Link to heading

    Mutation: {
        editArticle: async (parent, args, { user, dataSources }, info) => {

            if (!user) throw new GraphQLError('401 Unauthorized', {
                extensions: {
                    code: 'Unauthorized',

            if (!user.roles.includes('admin') && !user.roles.includes('editor')) {
                throw new GraphQLError('403 Forbidden', {
                    extensions: {
                        code: 'Forbidden',

            return dataSources.article.editArticle({ id: args.id, title: args.title, content: args.content }, user);
  • Authentication: you must log in and show the valid token to do some operations.
  • Authorization: you must have permission to do some operations, for example, system admin can delete a user account but a normal user can not delete account.

the sample Mutation is a good example to show Authentication and Authorization both.

  • if no user found in Context, it return 401.
  • if user is not editor or admin, it return 403, that means this user can not edit article.

Add ACL and ArticleDataSource Link to heading

here a advanced concept Access-control list

class ACL {
    hasPermission = (item: { acl }, user: { roles }, operation: 'read' | 'write') => {
        if (!item.acl) return true;
        if (item.acl['*'][operation] == true) {
            return true;
        if (!user.roles) return false;
        user.roles.forEach(role => {
            const roleKey = `role:${role}`;
            if (roleKey in item.acl && item.acl[`role:${role}`][operation] == true) return true;

        return false;

    hasRole = (user: { roles }, roles: []) => {
        return roles.some(item => user.roles.includes(item));

const demoArticles = [
        title: 'AAA', id: 1, content: 'aaa', lastEditedBy: 2,
        acl: {
            "*": { read: true },
            "role:editor": {
                read: true,
                write: true
            "role:admin": {
                read: true,
                write: true
        title: 'BBB ', id: 2, content: 'bbb', lastEditedBy: 2,
        acl: {
            "*": { read: true },
            "role:editor": {
                read: true,
                write: true
        title: 'CCC', id: 3, content: 'ccc', lastEditedBy: 2,
        acl: {
            "*": { read: false },
            "role:admin": {
                read: true,
                write: true

class ArticleDataSource {

    acl: ACL;
    constructor(acl: ACL) {
        this.acl = acl;

    private batchArticles = new DataLoader(async (ids: number[]) => {

        const productIdToProductMap = demoArticles.reduce((mapping, article) => {
            mapping[article.id] = article;
            return mapping;
        }, {});
        return ids.map((id) => productIdToProductMap[id]);

    async getArticleFor(id) {
        return this.batchArticles.load(id);

    async listArticles(user: { roles }) {
        return demoArticles.filter(article => {
            return this.acl.hasPermission(article, user, 'read');

    async editArticle(article, user) {

        const foundIndex = demoArticles.findIndex(x => x.id == article.id);
        if (foundIndex < 0) throw new GraphQLError('404 Not Found', {
            extensions: {
                code: 'Not Found',
        const foundItem = demoArticles[foundIndex];
        foundItem.lastEditedBy = user.id;
        foundItem.content = article.content;
        foundItem.title = article.title;

        this.batchArticles.prime(article.id, foundItem)

        return await this.getArticleFor(foundItem.id);

How ACL works Link to heading

choose an article sample

        title: 'AAA', id: 1, content: 'aaa', lastEditedBy: 2,
        acl: {
            "*": { read: true },
            "role:editor": {
                read: true,
                write: true
            "role:admin": {
                read: true,
                write: true

focus on acl field

  • "*" means public access permission, {“read”:true} means anyone can read this article, even user is not logged in.
  • "role:editor" is describing what permissions can users with “editor” have. { read: true },{ write: true } means editors can read and write this article both.
  • "role:admin" has same meanings with “role:editor”.

so we can generate a helper class ACL to handle all the Authorization cases.

finish our src/index.ts

const server = new ApolloServer<MyContext>({

const { url } = await startStandaloneServer(server, {

    // Note: This example uses the `req` argument to access headers,
    // but the arguments received by `context` vary by integration.
    // This means they vary for Express, Fastify, Lambda, etc.

    // For `startStandaloneServer`, the `req` and `res` objects are
    // `http.IncomingMessage` and `http.ServerResponse` types.
    context: async ({ req, res }) => {
        // Get the user token from the headers.
        const token = req.headers.authorization || '';

        const userDataSource = new UserDataSource();
        const acl = new ACL();
        //Try to retrieve a user with the token
        const user = await userDataSource.getUserFor(token);
        // Add the user to the context
        return {
            dataSources: {
                // Create a new instance of our data source for every request!
                // (We pass in the database connection because we don't need
                // a new connection for every request.)
                user: userDataSource,
                acl: acl,
                article: new ArticleDataSource(acl),

Run it to verify Link to heading

npm run dev

Edit article with editor token Link to heading

choose { username: 'alice', id: 2, token: 'apwd123', roles: ['editor'] } to edit article.

mutation with edited content mutation with Authorization header

Query articles with reader token Link to heading

choose { username: 'bob', id: 3, token: 'bpwd123', roles: ['reader'] } to query articles.

query with reader token

Why return 2 articles but there are 3 articles?

Let check the article.id=3

        title: 'CCC', id: 3, content: 'ccc', lastEditedBy: 2,
        acl: {
            "*": { read: false },
            "role:admin": {
                read: true,
                write: true
  • "*": { read: false } means public access is off.
  • only role:admin has the read*write permissions both, but current user is a reader, so article.id=3 will not return to current user.

Sample Source Code Link to heading

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Further Readings Link to heading