Gost - 2024

Prerequisites Link to heading

  • Cloud Virtual Machine, providered by AWS&Azure&Google Cloud, etc
  • own a domain name, which can be registered from Cloudflare & Godaday, etc

Set up GOST and config Server Link to heading

Assume your server’s public ip is

connect to your VM

Install GOST Link to heading

more detail can be found https://latest.gost.run/

sudo snap install go --classic
git clone https://github.com/go-gost/gost.git
cd gost
sudo bash install.sh

please pick up the latest by typeing the number

Quick verify service Link to heading

gost -L http://:8080

then you will see

{"handler":"http","kind":"service","level":"info","listener":"tcp","msg":"listening on [::]:8080/tcp","service":"service-0","time":"2024-05-15T02:05:04.697Z"}

Apply and config TLS certs Link to heading

Install acme.sh Link to heading

curl https://get.acme.sh | sh -s email=[email protected] # change it with your email

Register domain from Cloudflare Link to heading

register domain cloudflare

Issue a cert Link to heading

Assume your domain is xyz.com,

Config CF_Token&CF_Account_ID&CF_Zone_ID Link to heading

Please follow the steps in https://github.com/acmesh-official/acme.sh/wiki/dnsapi#dns_cf

export CF_Token="your token"
export CF_Account_ID="your account id"
export CF_Zone_ID="your zone id"

Request certs Link to heading

acme.sh --issue -d xyz.com  -d '*.xyz.com'  --dns dns_cf --server letsencrypt

Install certs to destination folder Link to heading

mkdir certs
mkdir certs/xyz.com
acme.sh --install-cert -d xyz.com --key-file  /home/azureuser/certs/xyz.com/key.pem  --fullchain-file /home/azureuser/certs/xyz.com/cert.pem --ecc

Create GOST config file Link to heading

vi gost.yaml

copy&paste the following content

- name: service-0
  addr: ":443"
    type: http
      username: a-username
      password: a-strong-password
      knock: www.google.com
      probeResistance: code:404
    type: tls
      certFile: "/home/azureuser/certs/xyz.com/cert.pem"
      keyFile: "/home/azureuser/certs/xyz.com/key.pem"

test the config file

sudo gost -C gost.yaml

Run GOST as a sysytem service Link to heading

sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/gost.service

add the following content

Description=GO Simple Tunnel

ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/gost -C /home/azureuser/gost.yaml


config sysmtem service

sudo systemctl enable gost
sudo systemctl start gost
sudo systemctl status gost